english speaking therapist in lausanne

Find EFT- Couple therapists in Lausanne

Below you find a list of EFT couple therapists in the Lausanne and Geneva area, who provide Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling and Therapy in English. For more details, click on the name. Please contact the person directly by phone or e-mail. Externship: 4-day basis training
Core Skills: Externship plus 8 days of intensive training in small groups
Certified EFT therapist: Core Skills plus Supervision and certification by the Internatinal Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy
Supervisor: Certified EFT-therapist who is also supervising other therapists

Marit Bauer-Moore

Core Skills (Vertiefungstraining)
079 320 30 46

Alexine Thompson-de Benoit

079 960 92 52
EFT-couple therapists, who would like to be added to the list and/or are interested in the exchange with colleagues can register here.