Further training in emotion-focused couple therapy in Zurich
Building Blocks of EFT Couples Therapy Training:
- Basic training: Externship
- In-depth training: Core Skills
- Supervision (with ICEEFT-approved supervisors)
Target group:
Professionals with basic medical, psychotherapeutic or psychosocial training who work or would like to work with couples. Please note that the specific ICEEFT Certification Requirements.
Advantages of certification
Those who are ICEEFT members and are certified will be listed in ICEEFT's therapist directory.
Certification is a signal to couples that a professional has worked extensively with EFT and that the therapy meets high quality standards.
Continuing education credits
The externship is recognised by the SGPP as continuing education (10 credits).
Trainer: Dimitrij Samoilow
Supervisor: Ben Kneubühler