Management for further trainings


Beni Kneubühler

Fachpsychologe für Psychotherapie FSP

Working with emotions is essential for effective psychotherapy and working with them has always fascinated me. Sue Johnson's approach provides a solid framework for this pair-setting work. Already during the externship I learned a lot of helpful stuff for working with couples!




Dimitrij Samoilow

ICEEFT certified therapist, supervisor and trainer

I am a clinical psychologist educated at the Norwegian University of Technology and Science in Trondheim. I have worked with couples, individuals and families since 2OO1. I am a specialist in clinical psychology, with expertise in the field of adult and family psychology. I have in depth training in Emotionally Focused Couples therapy (EFT). I am certified as an EFT therapist and supervisor through ICEEFT (International Center for excellence in emotionally focused therapy). Since 2017 i am also Norways only certified EFT-trainer.

I also have training in EFT for individuals, as well as training in EMDR.