Creating a Therapeutic Alliance—a Safe Haven in Therapy 1. In which of the following responses does the therapist demonstrate her empathic attunement with Fernando? “Can you see, Fernando, how that leads to distance between you?” “Yes, but you sound rather harsh when you say, ‘Back off.’” “If only you could tell her how anxious you get.” “It’s hard for you then; sometimes you just need some space?” None 2. As the therapist tracks the cycle she says to Fernando: Therapist: “So you go off on your own, then?” Fernando: “Yes, that is my only option.” Choose the therapist response that best demonstrates acceptance: “I can understand why you do that, Fernando, but do you think it is helpful?” “Inez, do you see how your attacking leaves him feeling like he has no choices?” “Yes, I can understand that it feels like all you can do.” “Inez leaves you with no choices.” None 3. At the end of the session Fernando turns to Jane and asks her if she ever fights with her husband. Pick the response from Jane that best demonstrates the therapeutic stance of genuineness. “No we are very happily married.” “My personal life is not the issue here.” “Yes of course we fight sometimes, everybody does. We usually find a way to sort things out afterwards.” “You have concerns about my relationship?” None Time's up