contact details

Sabrina Pagnetti


Raum für Impulse - Sabrina Pagnetti
c/o Psychotherapie Praxis zur Kerze, Rüdenplatz 2
8001 Zürich
wilob AG
Bachstrasse 23
5600 Lenzburg

Couples Therapist and Counsellor



EFT - Emotionally Focussed Therapy (Core Skills, Externship)
Resource Therapy - Ego-State-Therapie Schweiz, Zurich
Systemic Couples Therapy - Institut für Ökologisch-systemische Therapie, Zurich
CAS in Systemic Coaching, PH Zug/Coachingcenter Olten
Master in Corporate Communication Management - Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Olten



Systemic Couples Therapist
Resource Therapist
Coach and Consultant for New Placement, Career Counselling and Leadership Training
Head of Corporate Communication