The Systemic Nature Of EFT

EFT adds to/departs from the usual structural systemic approaches in that it: (more than one correct answer)

EFT is systemic (fits with the original formulation of systems theory) in the following ways: (more than one correct answer)


  1. The therapist says, “So I can really see here how the more distant you see your
    partner as being, the more you naturally begin to push to get his attention. And then
    he begins to see you as pressuring him and tends to move away. Is that it?”
    Is this systemic? (Yes/No) _____ How is it systemic?.
  2. The therapist says, “So you are both caught in this cycle of demand and defend.
    It has taken over your relationship.”
    Is this systemic? (Yes/No) _____ How is it systemic?
  3. The therapist says, “Can we just hold off on the details of this issue for a moment?
    Rather than focusing on all the content issues, I was noticing how, once again,
    you, Mary, were taking your ‘I will make you listen to me’ stance, and Will, you
    were getting into what you call your ‘Can’t get me, I’ll put up a wall’ stance. Is
    that right?”Is this systemic? (Yes/No) _____ How is it systemic?
  4. The therapist says, “Can you put down your wall for a moment, Will? Can you do
    what you just spoke about, and come out and meet your wife? Can you tell her
    ‘I want to let you in’?”
    Is this systemic? (Yes/No) _____ How is it systemic?
  5. The therapist says, “So, you see yourself as quite retiring and naturally withdrawn,
    Will, but when your wife becomes soft and shows you her softness and how she
    needs you, as she did just now, you really come out of your shell and take her hand
    and show yourself. You are right out there.”
    Is this systemic? (Yes/No) _____ How is it systemic?