Linking Experiential And Systemic Perspectives

Experiential and systemic approaches both: (more than one correct answer)


In summary, when experiential and systemic perspectives are put together, the primary theoretical assumptions of EFT are: (more than one correct answer)

To stress the nonpathologizing nature of EFT, please link up the following quotes to the forerunners of EFT. Are these the statements of Rogers, the father of experiential approaches; Minuchin and colleagues, systemic therapists; or John Bowlby, the father of attachment theory? Link each statement with a person.

  1. Most often, even negative attachment models, where the self is seen as unlovable
    and/or others are seen as untrustworthy are not neurotic “projections” but “­perfectly
    reasonable constructions” that are adaptive in a particular context. Hopefully they
    are then updated and revised. Who said this? 
  2. If the therapist is accepting and empathic then the client finds that he is “daring
    to become himself.” This results in clients becoming “more self-directing and more
    self-confident” and open to emotion that leads to the “discovery of unknown elements
    of the self.” Who said this? 
  3. “Different contexts call forth different facets of self.…Expanding contexts allows
    for new possibilities to emerge.” Changing people’s “position” in a system changes
    their subjective experience. Who said this? 
  4. “When I accept myself as I am, then I change.” Who said this? 

In terms of theory construction and how EFT theory links with empirical evidence, identify and check the correct answers.