Crucial Interventions In Step 7 1. Which of the following is an evocative response? “You run and hide to protect yourself. It’s just too scary.” “The anger comes rushing in, overwhelming the pain and hurt.” “You seem very sad as you say that, you look down at the floor.” “What’s it like for you right now as you share how afraid you are of being once again found as failing? What happens inside as you say this? None 2. Choose the evocative response from the selections below: “What happens inside when you throw your arms up, like, ‘Once again, I’ve failed.’ What’s that like inside for you?” “The dance seems to be that he comes in angry and you meet that anger with your own.” “I think it’s great that you both are able to share how happy you are right now.” “You guys really noticed the cycle this week, really worked hard to not fall under its spell.” None 3. Choose the best evocative response from the selections below: “Jon, just now you smiled when you said that. That’s the first time we’ve seen a smile in some time.” “You’re speaking from anger; but my guess is that underneath that is a lot of guilt perhaps? Do you feel guilt?” “You seem really sad as you say that Jon. I noticed that your head dropped and you looked to the floor. What happens inside as you say that now?” “This makes a lot of sense in the context of your family growing up Jon. I can certainly understand why you see it that way.” None 4. Which of the following is an empathic conjecture? “You are angry with her for not being more sensitive to your needs.” “Help me out if I miss here, but, you seem very sad as you say this. It hurts deeply. But also, I seem to be hearing a sense of loneliness from you?” “Who does what at home after something like this is said?” “Your fear of her rejection is huge, like you said though; you show her your anger.” None 5. Choose the empathic conjecture from the selections provided below: “The cycle is up and running now isn’t it?” “You respond with anger, but underneath is a hurt that that fuels these fights.” “What’s happening for you now as he says this Mary?” “I see the frustration, but I also wonder if there is a kind of sadness, a sense of loss, lurking inside?” None 6. Choose the best empathic conjecture from the selections provided below: “You’re sad, but you’re angry, too, it seems to me.” “As I see your eyes fill with tears of sadness, I hear a slight edge in your voice. It’s like a part of you is also saying, ‘I want this to be better. I am tired of being alone.’ Is that close?” “Can you tell him now how you feel? Tell him right now?” “You said you were sad, but what else are you feeling?” None 7. Choose the Step 7 heightening response from the selections below: “What happens inside as you say this?” “Could you turn and share this with him now please?” “You hear his anger and you respond in anger. The cycle gets going once again and you two go at it. Inside you both are heading toward hurt and loneliness, often for days.” “This voice inside says, ‘You can’t dare reach for him. He won’t be there. You’ve never had anyone really be there. You’ve tried this before, don’t do it! He won’t be there and it will hurt too much.’” None 8. Choose the best Step 7 heightening response from the selections below: “There’s this scared part that we’ve talked about in here before. A part that says, ‘Maybe he doesn’t really love me after all. Maybe he really doesn’t want to stay with me. Maybe I shouldn’t risk sharing with him, letting him in, counting on him.’ You begin to fear that this may in fact be the case, right?” (nods) “This fear rises up and sort of paralyzes you. So you see him here, right now, he’s saying ‘Risk. Please…risk. I am here.’ But it’s just so scary for you, this battle rages so intensely inside of you.” “You see him here right now, and he’s asking you to risk. But it’s too scary for you. So you push that fear away and stay put. This ends up leaving you alone.” “Do you ever tell him when you feel overwhelmed by him? Do you ever say, ‘Honey, I am feeling so alone right now?’ Do you ever risk that with him when it’s really hitting you hard?” “Has there been a time where you were able to share this with him, and he was able to hear you in a way that was comforting? What was different about that specific time? My hunch is that you were able to talk to him in a nonblaming manner that probably did not push him away. I bet you were able to use ‘I statements’ and I bet to some degree he was able to let you know he was listening by a response of replaying what you said.” None 9. Choose the Step 7 restructuring interactions intervention from the selections below: “When he attacks you in anger, you initially stand up and attack back, from within your own anger. You guys fight for awhile, and at some point you start defending and withdrawing.” “How were you guys able to sit and talk at home this week? What was different?” “This ‘cycle’ really attacks both of you. Has there been a time when you were able to defeat this ‘cycle’?” “Maria, would you please turn and share this now directly with Frank, in your own words?” None 10. Choose the best restructuring interactions intervention from the selections below: “Would you please turn and share that with him now?” “Would you please turn and share this with him now, in your own words?” “Would you please turn and share that with him now? How a part of you says, ‘How could he possibly want me,’ and fear really sets in. It’s really scary for you. Would you please turn to him now and share this with him, in your own words.” “What do you think she is thinking right now as you say this? How do you think she would respond if I asked her what she was thinking?” None Time's up